Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Who could ask for anything more?

To start off - Madeline and I have been very snoopy about our neighbors of late. You see - living out in the boonies like we do, we actually only have 5 houses on our street. I actually like this a LOT - NO traffic - NO loud obnoxious neighbors - NO neighbors living 15 feet away from us - - so I guess you could say that country life is growing on me! That being said, we're verrrrry interested about the "goings on" on our little street. This week we discovered -

Something is going on! Just adjacent to us someone is building! We aren't sure what because it looks really really huge, but I think it's a house. Steve thinks it's a lake. It's exciting to watch because no one has built out here since we moved in. We were the last people to build so - if it is indeed a new house, it'll be really fun to watch it go up little by little. Madeline and I rode past it (on our new bike and bike trailer but that's for a different post) and they are leveling a HUGE plot of land. I would have stopped and asked, and ended said mystery - but I was more concerned about NOT tipping over on my bike. So I guess we'll just have to postulate for a while longer.

Anywho - - - yesterday was a fun day of gifts!!!! As you can see above we have our NEW ART!! This piece is called Keys Current and it's 46" by 46" which, we realized as we hung it - is HUGE. But - we are both totally in love and I am SO HAPPY that our living room isn't quite so naked anymore.

We procured this other piece as well - Indian Summer. However, I like to call it "Can't see the forest" We had a totally different place in mind for it - but tried it in the dining room and it just POPPED. We were both in love with it so we settled on it immediatly. There were even already nails in the walls from the ginormous clock that used to hang there and keep terrible time.

Which ended up here on the wall above the dining room - the front door entry way. That was really scary to watch Steve hang, but he made it in one piece. We decided not to replace the battery as it would be a huge hassle to climb up there every month and change it. So, we set it to 9:00 (in honour of Madeline's time of birth) and felt like we had a whole new house!
Steve worked at the fair yesterday at the Ball State table. SO - he brought me fair trinkets which I hate admitting I like. We never seem to have enough pens in this house so I'm always trying to collect pens and paper. He brought Madeline a little rubber bracelet (a la Lance Armstrong) and - - - he brought me an elephant ear!!!! He knows I hate the fair but LOVE fair food. So - he bought an elephant ear and had them put it in a bag and brought it all the way home. It's things like that that mean the most you know?
But he wasn't finished!!! We've been hyper aware of the cleanliness of our floors what with Madeline crawling around like a maniac now and wanting to eat everything she finds. He was so kind as to mop the kitchen tile over the weekend! But I couldn't imagine us finding time to do that every weekend so he and his mom got me a Bissel flip vac. It vaccuums up dry stuff and then it flips over to wash (and dry!) the tile! WHO HO!!!
I never thought I'd be so excited about household supplies!!
Art, mops, and junk food from the fair. This is the life!!


Jen said...

Love, Love, Love the new art!! You guys are so cute-I love how you celebrate the little things!

Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie said...

Your house is so nice, Erin. How on earth do you keep is so neat and clean with little Madeline running around???? Perhaps I should take a lesson. Were you a neat roommate? I can't remember. :-) I hope you have wonderful new neighbors building a house next to you, and that they have a little girl just Madeline's age. Hopefully it's not a Super WalMart!

Emily said...

Love the art. Wasn't sure about Indian Summer, but it looks great up in your dining room! The other one is too cool as well. You lucky art owner, you.