Monday, 20 August 2007

Un-Wedded Bliss?

Yesterday, in all my wifely glory, I decided to make some home-made chocolate chip cookies. Well, I am of the school of thought that to really cook, you need to get your hands dirty! So, I removed my engagement/wedding ring and placed it in a secure location. Of course, I got busy after the cookie baking and made it up to bed without my ring back on. I kept feeling that it wasn't on and telling myself to remember to put it on in the morning when I had breakfast.

WEll, surprise surprise I forgot.

So I ran out to do some errands in town today - one of which was to pick some medicine from Marsh. So, as I'm strolling through the store I realize that I am, indeed, sans wedding ring. It doesn't help that my hair's pulled up in a ponytail and I"m in grubby clothes. Also, Madeline had decided that during these, the worst of the teething days, she doesn't want the expensive teething toys I bought for her, she wants butter lids. I don't know if it's the little rim she can sink her teeth into or what, but that's what she wants. So - get this picture in your mind. Me - looking like a 16 year old skipping school, buying medicine for myself. My poor little girl - bear footed - who doesn't even have toys to play with and has to play with kitchen accoutrements.

So now, even as I write this, I still haven't managed to get my ring back on. It's amazing how incredibly naked your finger feels minutes after the ring comes off.

Don't worry honey - I love you more than life itself. The last thing I want right now, it to be single again. Ick.

Meanwhile, I gotta go get my Karats!

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