Wednesday 29 August 2007

Mommy Dearest

I've always had a good relationship with my parents. I'm 10 years younger than my siblings, and my parents did foster care my whole life - so in ways I'm an "only" and in ways I'm the "baby." There were days when it was 3 of us at the table, and days when there were 8 of us! Sure, I had my days where I knew they just didn't understand how HARD my teenage life was, I was grounded a handful of times . . . but for the most part we got on very very well. Things only got better when I went to college. Something about getting out of eachother's hair made us get even closer.

Now that I'm "old and married and mature" my mom is truly one of my best friends. She is the first person I call when I have a problem with a baby, cooking, or Steve. ha ha juuuust kidding! She is so loving and supportive, and I truly count myself blessed.

Yesterday while I was at the grocery, my mom called. I almost didn't answer it because I was just pulling out of the parking lot and trying to keep the baby happy etc - but I did.

Good thing.

My mom had been in a car accident. She was turning left on a GREEN ARROW and someone - apparently not seeing the RED LIGHT he had . . . smashed right into her. Full speed. She was in her Aurora, he was in a Jeep Grand Cherokee. She said she saw him out of the corner of her eye and thought he might miss her. Nope. SMACK right into the drivers side of her car.

She had just dropped my 90 year old gramma, who has a broken pelvis, off at the doctor for an hour worth of x-rays and was getting something to eat. Apparently the guy didn't see he had a red light, and - perchance - my mom pulled out slowly into the intersection. If she had pulled out quickly - like I am apt to do - he would have hit her - at 70 mph - in her door instead of the front of the car. My mom saw his Jeep flip (literally flip) in mid-air, land on the roof, and turn the wrong way onto the median. He was fine - he crawled out - but my mom was taken to the hospital. She had some pain in her neck, and knew she had to get it checked out asap. So she calls me right after the fact, tells me she's been in an accident, and she can't get ahold of my father. I told her I'd keep calling and I'd go right over there. (Luckily I grocery shop about 15 minutes away from my parents' house) Luckily I got him on the first try. I don't think I've ever broken the news to someone that their significant other was in an accident. It was easier because she wasn't hurt, but not the news I want to give my dad. He said he'd head right over. I took my Mother in Law home and got the baby settled in at home. My dad called to let me know they were taking my mom to the hospital. I just wanted to be there with her - she's always at my beck and call - my every need she drives up to the house or comes up and takes the baby.

Enter - my wonderful husband. We talked about it and he offered to come home and be with the baby so I could be with my family. I raced to the hospital and saw my poor little mom on that awful board and cervical collar. It was rough.

Turns out, she was fine. Some pain in her neck with the doctor said was totally normal, but should desist in a few days. She was really sore - but nothing broken or torn or misplaced.

Thank God.

It's scary - when you think about how close you must "cheat" death sometimes. All those things you haven't said to the people you love - or the things you've said that you so wish you could take back. I wish we could keep that at the forefront of our minds always.

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every every minute?"
"No, Saints and Poets maybe - they do some."


The Carrels said...

How scary!

I hope she has an easy recovery...maybe a nice massage will help her accident pains...

starfitch said...

My goodness! Thank heaven she is okay!

Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie said...

Oh, Erin, I'm so glad your mom's okay. Praise the Lord! You seem to have an incredible mom, and God is so good to let you have lots more time with her. :-)

Unknown said...

I am so glad your mom is okay! We are wishing her a speedy recovery!

Emily said...

Wowee wow wow. What a story! I, too, and SO glad that your mom is ok. I was just thinking the other day how I can't even imagine my life without my parents. I am not ready for them to go yet and it will still be hard even when I am "ready." Thank the lord that he was watching out for her that day! He works in mysterious ways.