Wednesday, 13 June 2007

A kiss on the hand may be quite continental

I'm just apparently full of random thoughts tonight.

Maybe I am just avoiding work.
Maybe I don't know what to do with myself without a baby here demanding my husband and my constant attentention.

I got my ring cleaned today. It was starting to look like a ruby it was so filthy dirty. I'm suprised they didn't have to use a jackhammer. See, it never fails that the day I get it cleaned is the day I decided to make homemade jam or something and it gets all cruddy.

So - while they were chipping away the layers of grime - I looked around the store. Nothing wrong with looking right? I feel like I did when I was a kid and I would go through the toy catalogue and put big Es by the things I wanted.

Anyone who knows me at all well knows that I LOVE jewelry - especially diamonds! Especially diamond rings!!!!! One of the first songs I sang my sweet Madeline? "Diamonds are a girl's best friend."

When Tiffanys opened in the Fashion Mall - you'd better believe I dragged Steve there.
ANYWHO - so I was perusing the baubles and they really do have some beauties there at Prestons......but - I am happy to say that I didn't see one that I liked better than the one my sweetie gave me. I don't want to trade up or trade in - I am perfectly in love with the gorgeous one I have.

Oh, and I'm still in love with him too.

haha. :)

"But stiff backed or stiff kneed you stand straight at . . . TIFFANYS!"

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