Wednesday 13 June 2007

Goo is what tape's all about!


One of the things I do that bugs my husband is quote lines from movies constantly. So - I thought maybe it would help for me to list some of my favourite movies and lines here in the comfort of my blog and annoy my husband less.

Actually - segue - let's talk about grammar for a while.

Less vs Fewer

If I hear ONE MORE "educated" television reporter use the wrong adjective again I'll lose it! SO - let's have a grammar lesson shall we?

Fewer - an adjective used for count nouns. (Remember that adjectives modify nouns and pronouns)

But Erin, you ask, what is this count noun of which you speak?

A count noun is something that well - you can count. Dogs, Cars, Dresses, Paintings

"I have fewer dogs than Joshua."

"Madeline has fewer accidents than her brother Jackson."

"You must have fewer than 14 items to use this checkout line."

LESS - and adjective used for noncount nouns (Nouns you CANNOT count) - milk, sand, homework

You can have GLASSES of milk, GRAINS of sand, or PAGES of homework. You DON'T have 3 milks, or 5 sands.

"Ellie has less milk than Violet."

"Darcy got less sand on her feet by wearing shoes."


Another thing that drives me beyond bonkers? When my local newscasters say "IPS Schools"

What you are actually saying is, "Indianapolis Public Schools Schools."

I actually took some action on this one....see next entry.

As for movies - I'll come back to that later. But if anyone knows where the title of this entry came from - mad props to you! We have the same taste in weird vague stage plays turned into movies!

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