Monday 3 December 2007

Because I could not stop for death

- it kindly stopped for me.

It had to happen sometime...all my baby momma friends were getting sick and their babies were getting sick. So now it's just my turn. I think that Madeline got ME sick, not the other way around - but it doesn't really matter now. All that matters is that we don't get Daddy sick!!

Madeline looks like death and I feel like it. Her nose is running constantly and I am chasing her around with a tissue non stop. There's no one here to wipe my nose so I'm managing that as well.

It's amazing how something as small as a little cold can stop you in your tracks. Headache, bodyaches, ear, nose....grrrrrrrrrrrr

Stupid Eve!


Emily said...

I think we might be feeling your pain soon. Gabby's nose ran all weekend, but now it is just congested. I hate hearing her breathe out of her mouth constantly! So sad. Take good care of yourselves so we can hang out again soon!

The Carrels said...

I totally feel for you...I was sick with a horrible cold all last week...thankfully Max never got it!

His nose is running now because of more teeth breaking through...I swear he's part shark!