Monday 17 December 2007

Who are you?

Who are you Heidi Wolten? You sent me a Christmas card and yet, I have no eartly clue who you are. You addressed it only to me and not my husband, so it must be that you know only me. You also missed a number in m house number so we can't be THAT close of friends.

I have wracked my brain and yet I find that I know no one by that name or who lives in Louisville. Have I forgotten an old and dear friend? I certainly hope not.

Meanwhile, I am very confused and slightly creeped out that someone I do not know has my address. Please don't come kill me in the night.

We have coyotes out here and I will sick them on you if you are coming to kill me.

If, however, you come in peace then great. Please remind me of who you are and accept my deepest apologies for not remembering!

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