Friday 28 September 2007

Marsha Marsha Marsha!

So I'll have to write another entry to bring everyone up to date on my crazy last few days. INcluding but not limited to: the ER, being drugged out of my mind, spending a few nights at my parents', and getting personally chauffered to Starbucks.

Right now I want to talk about a brush.

Steve and I spent last night at a hotel in downtown Indy for my birthday. It was really fun and really really nice. As I was packing up our bag, I used his brush. Since I had curled my hair under - it was fairly easy. Sometimes he asks me if he can borrow my brush. I always tell him the same thing. "I don't brush my hair." 90% of the time my hair is in a finger-brushed ponytail, or if I actually "do" it - it's really curly ergo, I'm not going to "brush" it.

So anywho he has this paddle brush and I can't help but feel like Marcia Brady. "97, 98, 99, 100!"

I used to have this friend, Christa, in college and she always was asking me if I had a pick.

A pick?

I would always tell her the same thing. "No Christa, not since 1987." And resisted the urge to say, "But I do have a banana clip and some legwarmers in my purse - I mean fanny pack!"

I'm not knocking the pick, I carried my fair share back in the day and some of my friends still use them - but it just always struck me as odd and that she would ask me - over and over - if I had a pick. odd.

Anywho - so it felt weird to brush my hair. I guess that's all I have to say about that.

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