Tuesday 18 September 2007

I like mine with lettuce and tomato

In the era of speed dating, I think there should be speed fighting.

I don't know about any of you, loyal readers, but I find that most of my marital fights start over something stupid like shoes or toothbrushes or something. The fight itself usually isn't that bad. Sometimes it's the making up that's worse. Cause sometimes when you're explaining why you got mad in the first place you get all mad again and then you go drudging up stuff from the past and every thing your partner's ever done wrong . . . and then you're fighting all over again.

So my suggestion is to have a code word that means, "I don't want to fight anymore, and I don't want to have that long drawn out post fight discussion."
Now, I am by no means saying you should avoid talking about WHY you're fighting or how you could work better together etc... but on those times when you know you're not fighting over anything substantial and you know you just don't have the energy to have the looooong post fight talk - you could just use a codeword like "Cheeseburger in Paradise" that means you just don't have it in you this time.

Those of us with young children, we're just too busy and too tired to have stupid 3hour fights anymore. Maybe something like "Regina Flange" or "Vespasian" that will bring a smile to your face and stop you both from tunnelling into that pit that becomes "We're going to Fight until I win" zone.

Or, maybe I'm just the only one with this problem.


Unknown said...

I think it is a great idea...if only my "better" half would adhere to it...usually one of us just makes the other one laugh by saying something smart-a$$y.

I know what you mean about not having the energy to even argue, so I usually just give in. Sigh.

(I'll explain more about the snob entry tomorrow)

Emily said...

Umm...your comment on my blog about doing it with Peyton Manning...did you mean the Look-a-like meter or "do it" with Peyton Manning???? Just kidding.