Thursday 20 September 2007

Will you still love me Tomorrow?

The other night I sat Steve down with some "big" news.

I said, "We need to talk about something. There's something I need to tell you."

He furrowed a little bit. Those words usually don't bring the best news from me.

We sat down at the table. "Ok. Give it to me."

"I think I might be a Libertarian." I rushed on. "Not like, a TOTAL libertarian, but just . . . a little. I think I'm a little bit Libertarian."

"OK." He said.

He took that really well!

Now, this is from a couple that GRILLED each other on our second date about our political views. We literally covered abortion, taxes, gun control, immegration, and education in one night. We both have very specific views and wanted to make sure we weren't "wasting" our time.
"Well, tell me about it."
I told him I had been doing a lot of reading and researching, and I felt like the Libertarians were on to something. They're against property taxes. They feel like if you broke your back to pay off your house and the land you purchased, you shouldn't be taxed on your own property.
I think that's 100% right.
They also aren't against experimental medical treatment. The years and years of red tape pharmicutical companies are required to go through are a little ecessive. If there is an experimental treatment available and the risks have been properly assessed, why not let an individula person decide if that treatment is right for them? If the risks outweigh the benefits in their particular situation.
They're also huge proponents of Privatization of just about everything. The private sector simply does thing better. They have to compete over customers, so they're constantly innovating. Why are so many of our Public Schools failing? Because it's a monopoly. You HAVE to go to the school in your district or pay money for a private school or pay to switch to another public school. Why not attach the money (say, around 8,000 in Indiana's case) to the CHILD and allow the parents to decide which school is the best fit? That way, schools would be forced to compete for their students and wouldn't be so complacent.
I read one case of a division of public works in Mississippi (I think) whose water system was so corroded and disgusting, no one could drink the water. The city said it would cost 10 million dollars to totally overhaul the issues and fix the problem. The Mayor did something CRA_ZY. He lets private companies bid on it. One company bid 2 million. They fixed the entire problem, plus others, and had money to spare. They were motivated by making a profit. What a difference competition makes!
Of course I am still conservative in my new found Libertarian views. I'm just glad my elephant still loves me!


The Carrels said...

My Chris would love you forever...I would say (I don't want to speak for him) that he would consider himself a Libertarian...he's a huge fan of Fair Tax!

Anonymous said...

you totally need to check out ron paul (presidential candidate)- he's basically a libertarian running as a republican. a very solid guy, although the media tries not to give him much attention.

Unknown said...

I just want people to do what is fair and what is right. Why is that so hard?

Why am I so naive?