Tuesday, 29 May 2007

You dropped your skull!

So, I read the following post on Craigs List.

I laughed so hard I woke up the baby from her nap!

I just wanted to let you know I wasn't a crazy lady. Here's what happened: A guy was running for a train. I saw something go flying off the end of his cane (yes, he was running with a cane). After a few seconds of me and other waiting passengers looking around stupidly at each other, I decided to be a Good Samaritan. I picked it up and saw that it was a small, polished replica of a human skull. I looked to the old man standing next to me and said "It's a skull". He shrugged his shoulders. I didn't want it, but I have such a particular hatred of littering, that I didn't want to drop it back on the floor lest someone think I was a dirty skull litterer. I decided the proper thing to do would be to give it back to whoever dropped the thing. So, I jumped in the door of the L train and saw you with what I thought was a cane. So I said, "Here's your skull" and handed it to you. You were shocked, I thought because you didn't realize it was lost. But as I backed off the train as the doors closed I saw that it wasn't a cane you had but an umbrella. And luggage. And you clearly weren't the person who dropped the skull. I can't imagine how weird it must have been to have some woman run onto a train, shove a skull in your hand and tell you it's yours. So I'm just writing this to let you know it wasn't a voodoo ritual, an ominous mafia warning, a gang initiation, or a misguided attempt at getting to know you better. I truly thought you dropped your skull.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wow! Random! That person must have really been confused. I can't believe that they didn't say anything in response! Hey, what is your daughter's blog address? My husband wiped the hard drive on our old computer and I had it in My Favorites and lost it...