Thursday 17 May 2007

Grovers Corners Here I Come!

OH BABY!!!! Anyone who knows me know I love adore worship obsess over Thornton Wilder's Our Town. It is THE best play ever written (yes even better than Shakespeare - if you believe he wrote them ha ha) I have driven of 100 miles at times just to see this play. I even directed it at my old school. WELL- I just got my sneak peak from IRT and.......the FIRST play they are putting on is OUR TOWN! I said "uh oh" as soon as i opened the flyer. My husband thinking something was wrong - came rushing into the kitchen. Although, there is reason for him to still be concerned. I could drain our bank account seeing that play. It opens in September and I'm going to call my connection over there and see how early and how often I can see it! heee heee


right after Our Town they are putting on a 90 minute rendition of Hamlet. (WHO HO!)

I need to start a countdown until OUR TOWN starts.

"That's what it was like to be spend and waste time as if it were a million years..."

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