Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Julia Child I am not

I would like to give a "shoutout" (am I too old for those??) to my sister Joy and friend Jill. I was in a cookng quandry and since I had already called my sister the gourmet chef about 349 times that day - I called my mommy friend Jill. (aka barefoot Carrellessa) I made a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies! YUMM! But, after getting everything mixed together my batter looked to sticky. SO I thought about adding flour but wanted a second opininon. Enter Jill. She confirmed my diagnosis and so I added more flour little by little.

But like everything else in my life I got too impatient and I ended up with concrete batter. I made just one batch - for pity's sake and they were like little cake hockey pucks. (Steve indulged me by eating one - bless him) When I told my sister they were too tall. She said, "Are you using self -rising cake flour?" *DUH* I remember grabbing a thing of flour and I'd bet my leg on it....that I bought rising flour. STUPID ME!!! Oh well, at least I know the problem for next time round! ~sigh~ Oh, and if anyone needs some mortar for their house...

The upside of not making cookies means, I can't eat them all in one day. (Ok, so maybe it takes me 2 days) I still have BABY WEIGHT that is making it clear to me has no intention of leaving anytime soon. (could it be my diet and lack of exercise?)

It kind of annoys me that because I hide my baby weight well (big roomy shirts!), or because I don't have like 900 pounds of babyweight to lose, that people just think I'm being a pain about it. "Oh Erin, you're so skinny" Well, yes I may look skinny to you - but you can't see the 7 pair of Spankx I have on, or realize that I haven't breathed in the last half hour. I'm still insecure about my baby weight. Whether it's 5 pounds or 50 pounds, I have a right not to like it. Right?

Our Town quote:
"We all know that something is eternal. And it ain’t houses and it ain’t names, and it ain’t earth, and it ain’t even the stars . . . everybody knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people ever lived have been telling us that for five thousand years and yet you’d be surprised how people are always losing hold of it. There’s something way down deep that’s eternal about every human being."


The Carrels said...

Oh...I should have asked about the type of flour you were using...Must use all-purpose for cookies!!! I love a combination of self-rising and all purpose for cupcakes and cakes. I will have to share my cupcake recipe this week - although, if I give out all of my secrets I won't have anymore to share!

Do you have "The Joy of Cooking?" It is one of my favorite go-to many great recipes for traditional American fare...and a great baking favorite oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies recipe is from TJC...And they are 'reduced fat' so I can justify eating more...

Oh the 'baby fat' issue...I have finally started seeing some results in getting this last chunk (no pun intended) of weight off...and I hate to tell you that it includes lots and lots of walking/running/biking...I've never really been much of an exerciser, but I decided I'd rather exercise than be chunky! Oh, and I'm not saying you're chunky...I know what you mean though about not being happy with your's a serious issue for me...

The Carrels said...

holy...that was a long comment...sorry I'm so long winded tonight...