Wednesday 21 January 2009

This is just to say

I have been missing reading/teaching a meaty literary sylabus. My husband is in the process of writing his Master's Thesis which is focusing on digital storytelling. Ergo, he has to compare it to "typical" narratives. As such, it's allowed to me help a little by suggesting fun short stories and narratives to which he might draw a comparison.

As I was flipping through some of my old curriculum, I came across one of my favourite poems. It's called "This is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams:

I have eaten
the plums
which were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet and so cold.

It's a fun poem that I used to have my students write parodies of. It floated out of my mind until today when I was buying another pair of deep discount pajamas. Per my last post many of you read how much I loved my new PJs. Well, my husband doesn't so much. Since they are dark red with white dots - he calls me "St Nick" when I wear them.

I couldn't help but think about the PJs I used to wear and the ones I wear now. So, as I bought my clearance jammies I composed this little ditty to my dear and loving husband.

I am wearing
the pajamas
once worn only
by old ladies
and men in old movies

Made of flannel
and fleece
and no lace

Forgive me
they are so warm
and so forgiving.


Jenny said...

I love it. And that is one of my favorite WCW poems, too. I think of it whenever I eat plums. :-)

Jen said...


I just read your post for the second time and noticed your link to Anne Bradstreet's poem. I actually put that poem in a frame and gave it to Mark on our wedding day.

It's been a long time since I was that romantic.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Santa ;)