Monday 5 January 2009


I've always been pro-choice, even when it wasn't popular with those around me. Even as a teacher molding young minds... I'm pro-choice.

And apparently, so is Mr. Obama. Maybe we have more in common than I thought!

(Disclaimer: This is MY blog which means they are MY thoughts. You don't have to agree with me, you can think I'm way off base - that's totally fine. I'd love to engage in *educated* discussion and welcome comments as such. If, however, you either: 1) Don't know what you're talking about on this issue - much like I am about things like: hedge funds, the string theory, and dadaism, please don't parrot others views and instead just read others' input. AND I'd encourage you to do some research and come to your own conclusion! Even if it's different than mine! 2) Are going to get all bent out of shape if someone makes a valid point on either side of the issue and run away crying like a 4 year old.)

BTW - the ONLY president to put his children in public school was Jimmy Carter. Hm. All I have to say is that the Obamas are lucky they live in a place that supports school vouchers. If his administration gets rid of them, his kids will lose some classmates!


Risha said...

Ha! Your term of "choice" left a sinking feeling in my stomach until I clicked on the links! Definitely agree with you. A parent should always have the right to choose the outlet for their child's education. And I would love to see vouchers become a reality for more states!

Emily said...

You sneaky little devil! You got me. I kept thinking, "I know Erin and I'm pretty sure she is not pro-choice!" I get it now. I fall into the category of "not-educated-enough-to-discuss-this-topic" but maybe I'll read up on it and we can have some edjumucated discourse.