Tuesday 13 May 2008

He who dies with the most toys . . .

. . . still dies.

I was perusing babble.com recently (it's one of my fave parenting sites) and came across yet another good article on saving.

I especially like the line: "We're going to have a lot of peers suffering through retirement with $200 diaper bags they can't trade in for prescriptions."

I'm guilty too, not of 200 dollar diaper bags (I can't even imagine, and even if I could my husband would thankfully bring me down to reality), but of just wanting. There's always a new toy I want for Madeline or a cute little outfit I'd love her to have. But, like the author says, "There's no way to fix it other than to re-define what makes us happy."

I truly have more than I could ever want and more than many in other countries could ever dream of. Shame on me.


starfitch said...

I was at Panera the other day and saw a woman with a Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag and a pink paisley carseat cover that I just googled and costs $125. I just wonder if she knows how many moms can't even afford a safe carseat, let alone the cute fancy cover.

Layla and Delia said...

I love my Coach diaper bag and I'm not going to apologize for it! :)

Emily said...

Tis true my friend. I always get a guilty feeling when I buy Gabby new toys. However, I also have to remind myself that she is growing and learning everyday. If I don't keep up with that, I am not serving her educational needs well. At the same time, there comes a point when enough is enough. We just don't have the room to store a TON of toys, so we can't go hog wild with the big stuff. I certainly share your feelings on it all.