Friday 2 May 2008

Everyone in their place

I was minding my own business. I was wrestling with Madeline on the floor when the phone rang. It annoyed me. I HATE it when people call my home phone. That's the reason we don't give it out. It's SO loud and people seem to be prone to call during naptime, bedtime, or think that 10:30pm or 6:00 am is an okay time to call. I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone. I knew immediately that it was some type of telemarketer because I had to say "Hello" 98 times before they answered.

This is what I heard, " ofjsfna;skfj ;asldkfjaowjkjasidufya ewr fassf;laskjdfasj Hillary Clinton asdflaksdfjasudyr dna;oksdfydkchfuhd alkjsdfid vote asfjapsierhawnkdppslenfp primary. Count on you?" (Ok, maybe there weren't that many semicolons...) I said "I'm sorry sir. I won't be voting in the presidential primary."

"Why not?" (Said rudely)

"Well, I'm a registered Republican." (Said nicely)

"OH!" (Said in sincere shock)

Yes, sir, I know you aren't calling a primarily Republican area, but please don't act so shocked that there are still some of us who have escaped extinction. You can take the girl out of Hamilton County... (thought quietly)

"Sorry..." (Said nicely)


"Well, I won't keep you . . . you go out and spend all that money of yours."

Now, is it just me or was that totally inappropriate? If you're calling ME representing the Democratic party or even Spam for that matter, don't smart off to me as that will only make me dislike you and permanently despise whatever it is your pushing. And if you want to go drudging up archaic stereotypes then . . . you'd better be prepared to have a long telephone conversation.

I was SO proud of myself for not snapping back at him. I opened my mouth to say something to say something equally smarty back (it was really good too . . . ) but decided cognitively to be the bigger person. I hung up and put it out of my mind.

Until now...


1 comment:

Emily said...

Um, completely out of line! Just because someone might not be voting in the primary doesn't mean that you should completely turn them off to your party! Not only that, but who hires someone that can't even speak English to be calling potential voters? Not smart Hilary, but that's no surprise to the Republicans in the room. ;)