Monday, 6 April 2009

I (wish) I didn't know I was pregnant

I've mentioned before that I don't follow that many shows on tv. I guess I feel like if I didn't hop on the bandwagon at the very beginning than I missed out on too much and can't catch up. Seriously - the only sitcoms I watch are Friends and Seinfeld reruns. However, I am a sucker for crazy docu-drama type reality shows. Such as "I didn't know I was pregnant!" that I made my husband watch with me last night.

One lady was 34, and told she would never have children. She "didn't experience any symptoms of pregnancy" except an erratic period which was normal for her anyway. 9 months later she's in horrific pain, so she goes to her chiropractor. That doesn't help. She sees her family doctor who thinks she has a bowel blockage. So he gives her some medication for that. She gets up expecting to have a large BM and SURPRISE has a baby instead.

OK I guess I get that I can buy that she was told she'd NEVER have children and having a weird period to begin with....and the lady because of being overweight didn't "notice" any movement and no one noticed her belly getting rounder as they just thought she was gaining more weight. What about the other 20 million side effects? Those silly ones you forget like varicose veins and a CONSTANTLY RUNNY NOSE THAT NEVER EVER STOPS! Irritability? Moodiness? So tired you feel like you got hit by a bus? Horrible gas? Acne, Eating like there's no tomorrow? Back pain?

I can't imagine not knowing I was knocked up. This baby in my belly has decided his sole mission in life is to beat up my insides so badly they will never be the same again. The last 24 hours was , in fact, so bad that between a million Braxton-Hicks contractions and his literal non-stop movement I thought for sure he was going to bust out! Steve put his hands on my stomach last night and couldn't believe how strongly he was moving. We could tell what was a hand or what was a kick. He kicks my right side so hard that I'm starting to not be able to keep from letting out a little yelp here and there - even when out in public. In fact I was in Firestone getting my oil changed the other day and he kicked me so hard that I let out a little "oh!" and a little groan. I'm sure the other people there waiting thought I was totally skitzophrenic. "stop that!" "Ouch!" "You're hurting me!" Ha Ha.

I wouldn't want to go to the hospital thinking I had appendicitis and come home with a baby - but I can't help but envy jut a smigde these women who were apparently so oblivious that they didn't have ONE INKLING that they might be pregnant. My body has never felt worse... but I know my heart has never felt happier.


Jenny said...

My kids were always crazy movers too. I felt like a human jungle gym. Wait, I still do. Ha!

I never can quite believe the stories of "I didn't know I was pregnant" - like you say, there are so many other side effects it sure seems like somewhere along the line you'd connect the dots, especially if you're in a relationship! Maybe I'm too skeptical. :-)

I'm with you in that I WISH I could get through the first trimester without knowing, though! That would be fantastic!

Emily said...

SO embarrassed to admit that we were watching that show, too! TOO funny! We watched just a few of the women. Actually, I was watching with my dad, not Kenton. He gave me the remote and that is what I landed on. His mistake, right?

I can see how some women who might be a little larger in size may not notice being pregnant, but not all of the women in that show were big. HOW do you not gain weight? Some women were saying they lost weight! I guess I can see not gaining weight if your baby is not healthy, but most of the babies on that show were! I just don't get it.

As annoying as those kicks and moves can be, they are the greatest feelings in the world, too. I truly miss feeling that baby inside. Try to appreciate it while you can!