Monday 13 April 2009

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb

Sometimes life is so comical that you just have to embrace it with both hands and laugh at it - cause if you don't - you'll sit and cry nonstop for a week.

Thursday is grocery day in this house. Always has been. Madeline and I meet up with my MIL, go to the grocery store, I drop her (my MIL not Madeline) off at her hair appointment, and we come home. It works for us so we've just kept it this way. So last Thursday, like every other Thursday before it - we did our business at the grocery, came home, and I fed Madeline lunch while I put away all the groceries. I made orange shrimp for Steve and some Cheese Fondue for me (mmmmmmmm could eat that every day) . But when Steve went to get some ice for his root beer, he noticed a HUGE mess in the bottom of the freezer. It looked like a few Popsicles had somehow gotten squashed and melted. He asked me if I had made sure to close the freezer after I put away the groceries. I told him that of course I thought I did - but maybe I didn't. I cleaned up the mess the best I could with my very large stomach being in the way and we went about our business.

Friday morning we were all up before Steve left for work. Madeline got up early to potty and I brought her back into our room for some snuggle time. I was about to put her on our bed when my husband popped out of it - thinking that would be an HILARIOUS thing to do to a pregnant woman and a 2 year old. (uh....?) Ok so Madeline got a kick out of it but I didn't. So after I freaked out about him scaring me and gave him a nice long lecture about NOT doing that while I have a baby inside me he decided to share some news.....

"The refrigerator isn't working. Everything in it is barely cold."

"So I DIDN'T leave the freezer open after all! I didn't think I did...."


So I proceeded to dig through the world's biggest bag of manuals and found the one for our fridge. It had a 5 year warranty IF we could find our receipt. Oh my......

Steve took over the job of tracking down our purchase information and trying to get it repaired that day - while I took over the job of throwing pretty much everything away THAT I HAD JUST BOUGHT THE DAY BEFORE. Goodbye 12 dollars worth of milk....bye bye chicken breasts and beef tips I bought to try a new recipe Goodbye ice cream and the frozen soup I made from scratch a month ago... (anyone else feel like I'm quoting Our Town? ha ha)

Just something about throwing everything in your fridge away except for the soy sauce and honey mustard that just makes ya mad. Luckily we were meeting our family for dinner that night so I didn't have to come up with some type of Soy Sauce Sandwich marinated in honey mustard and a packet of apple butter sprinkled with old baking soda.

My mom had planned to come up anyway that day and come with Madeline and I to church for the Easter Egg Hunt, but since it was raining cats and dogs the hunt was postponed : (. She brought us some milk and fruit and cottage cheese in a cooler so I was able to at least feed my child lunch.

I started looking at refrigerators online to see what new one we would be purchasing. Now, don't get me wrong - I LOVE to shop and I LOVE to buy big stainless steel appliances - but the thing is - I LOVE my fridge.... I love that the freezer is on the bottom - I love that it's quiet....I don't WANT a new fridge.... now if it was our washing machine that went out I would have done a happy dance because then I could get super cool space age washing /drying machines

I had forgotten how utterly expensive SS appliances were. Ick. Pretty much the LAST thing I wanted to do with all of our other house issues at present.

Luckily Steve called before I had a full on heart attack and told me a repair man would be there that afternoon. HALLELUJAH! Although it was annoying to pay the repairman a chunk of money for something he fixed in under 10 was a great deal less than buying a new one!

Long story short (too late) our fridge is once again in working order and another huge crisis avoided. It sure is one of those thing you take for granted - ice cold organic milk whenever you want it, cold yogurt and yummy Cool Whip at your disposal!

Once again - I would SO have died if I was a pioneer......


Jenny said...

I would love a set of space age washer/dryer appliances too! Glad you didn't have to get a new fridge.

Emily said...

Oh that sucks. I'm glad you didn't have to replace it, but to lose all of your food is SO awful! My parents dealt with that last year when they lost power for a week. Next time I visit I'll bring some mustard and jelly. ;)