Tuesday 2 December 2008

If the right one don't get you, then the left one will

I have always found it interesting that certain smells or sounds or textures even....can bring back a sense memory from childhood. To this day when I smell Obsession I think of my big sister Joy. the funny thing is that of course I don't ever think about Obsession - but as soon as I do I look for my sister. It's just in some back part of my brain.

Today I was in CVS and I heard "16 Tons"

It was a nice change from Christmas music, but it also brought my mind back to being about 4 years old and sitting on my parents bed listening to my dad sing it. (Followed of course by an explanation of the entire coal industry, debt bondage, and unions.) It was just one of those things that was part of my childhood. My dad was often singing - he's a dead ringer (soundwise - he doesn't wear those Cronkite glasses) for George Beverly Shay(which I am going to wager about 2 people who read this blog know who that is). I hate to even say it, but when my father passes, I will invest in the largest GBS cd collection known to man. It will make me feel like he's right there.

And that's how I felt in CVS - just for a few minutes I remember everything about sitting on my parents' bed - the colour, the smell of the room, my dad's work clothes... all because of one very out of season song.


Emily said...

That is so sweet. I really hope your dad reads this post. He sounds like such a wonderful father.

I agree, smells certainly do bring back memories. Whenever I visit my grandparents, their house always smells the same - even though they have moved several times! It must be the smell of their furniture or something. Kenton's cologne always smells so good. Whenever I smell it, I think of him leaning over to kiss my goodbye in the morning.

Jen said...

Well I guess I would be one of those 2 people who knows who GBS is, thanks to my dear mom. I swear she had all of his piano books. She used to watch Billy Graham Crusades just to see him.

I know exactly what you mean about recalling memories due to sounds, smells etc.... My grandma (from TN) cooked everything in bacon grease. I always think of her when bacon is around.