Thursday 17 January 2008

I can solve the crime problem!

So - after hearing the latest killing here in Indy of 2 mothers and their babies I have figured out a way to stop all killing of innocent children.

1. Let me and my mom friends have about.....10 minutes alone with the people hurting them.

2. Show it on TV

3. No one will every hurt a child again.

I'm not one to normally feel like I should take the law into my own hands but I tell you makes me sick to my stomach


Emily said...

OMG...seriously! I told Kenton I can't watch the news anymore because, mark my words, the first 3 stories every night are almost always about children dying or being hurt. I can't take it anymore. I cry all the time watching the freakin' news! Adults being killed is so horrible, too, but hurting innocent children just makes me sick.

Risha said...

I'm with ya!

Unknown said...

I know just what you mean about not watching the is all so terrible! What a sad world it can be. :(