Steve and I enrolled Madeline in a swimming class at Ball State. (Figure she better get used to taking classes early! ha ha) We thought it would be wise since we have neighbors with a pool and now having a
lakehouse, we want her to be totally comfortable with water and learn to swim as soon as possible. This is the very beginner class just to get the kids used to water and kicking their feet, going under for a second, etc...
It was Steve's idea to take the class and he said he'd take her on Saturday mornings. That way they got some good Daddy-Maddy time and I got some ALONE TIME! (angelic
Except the last 2 weeks I've had to take her because he's had to work. Getting into a maternity bathing suit this late in the game is really no fun. And, my friend Emily lent me the CUTEST suit - but there's only so much you can do for a pregnant woman trust me.
This past Saturday Steve was home so he was going to be in the pool for the lesson, but I decided to go so I could get some pictures.
We were sitting on the bench waiting for the class to start. There were people milling about as there's about 4 classes going on within the one large pool. He was in his suit and I was in my normal maternity garb - SO glad not to be in a bathing suit. Then we had the following conversation:
"Are you self conscious at all in your suit?"
"What do you mean?"
Now I need to note that my husband is not only gorgeous, but also in very good shape so he would have no reason to be self-conscious at all)"I mean do you look around the room at every other man in a pair of trunks and compare yourself to them? Make mental notes on all the ways they possibly look better than you do? Then hate them a little for looking better?"
"Wow, that must be so nice!"