Tuesday 18 November 2008

Things that go "D" in the Night

I don't consider myself a "scaredy cat" type of person. Every creak or pop doesn't unnerve me. Clowns - no big deal? Heights - bring em on! Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of my mouth - the more PB the better!

However, I have always been afraid of inanimate objects that act too lifelike. Talking dolls or animals - stuff that moves in a way that's too human gives me the creeps. If I had been "Belle" at that magic castle with the talking candlesticks and clocks I would have taken my chances of being eaten by the Beast than stay ONE NIGHT! I have a very horrible fear of Ventriloquist Dummies. I am mature enough now that I don't have a panic attack on sight of them, but I also don't look any longer than I have to.

One of the fun gifts Madeline got for her birthday was a talking puzzle of ABCs. It's a really nice wood puzzle that says the letter when you put the piece in and gives you a word that starts with that letter. "D is for Dostoevsky" Ok, I'm kidding about that, but that would be super cool for all of us Literature lovers out there! I digress....

I put the puzzle away at first thinking it was too hard for her right now. But after a hard day I pulled it out with the hopes that it would entertain Madeline long enough for me to, say, go to the bathroom by myself. She not only loved the puzzle, but learned quickly where some of the letters go. A few nights later the puzzle was sitting on the floor of the living room when I sneaked down to the kitchen for a glass of water. (Read: chocolate) As I flipped the kitchen light off I hear "O is for Olive" and about jumped out of my skin. What creepy person had gotten into my house and was reciting the alphabet? I flipped the light back on. "P is for Pretzel" I ran back upstairs into the safety of my warm bed and Mr. Smith and Wesson.

Obviously the next morning I figured out it was the puzzle but it still gave me the Heebs. I put it up on the bookshelf thinking maybe the floor moving when I walked was causing it to talk to me. But the next night as I flipped on the light - "C is for Carrot"

I guess it's something I'm going to have to get used to. Maybe I'll put it by the front door in case anyone breaks in to the house they'll get as creeped out as I did...

1 comment:

Emily said...

Those darn talking puzzles do that ALL THE TIME! Ours always goes "octagon" randomly in the evenings. Gabby's Elmo car will say, "Elmo can dance" as well. It does kind of scare you, esp. if you were in the dark! We took a trip to Ohio once and had the puzzle in a crate in the trunk area. The pieces were in a separate ziplock bag not even next to the puzzle base and it still kept going off all the way to Ohio - "Oval. Square. Oval. Triangle." Shut up already!