Thursday 30 October 2008

Upon Us

I simply cannot believe that it is Halloween already! The summer has truly flown by, and I think we totally missed fall! Our pumpkin is carved up and we have our Trick or Treating plan all mapped out!

Steve and I are both HUGE fan of Charles Shultz. We both loved the cartoons as kids and still love them and make sure we are home for their airing. (We are the only people left in the world who don't have DVR and I'm proud of it....) However, this year my MIL purchased the Great Pumpkin video for us so we broke it out a few weekends ago when we carved our pumpkin.

We told Madeline how much we loved the video, thinking she wouldn't be very interested. She sat through it and that was that.

However, now she says " Watch Charlie?" about 47 times a day. So - ONCE a day I cave and we watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. But I have to wonder if it'll be as special to her as it was to us since she can have it "on demand." There's something to be said for a little wanting.

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