Friday 27 June 2008

A way to a woman's heart

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE the diamonds! MMMMMMMMMM sparkly!
But, sometimes it's the sweet, non-three-month-salary- presents that mean the most.
I've been yucky and sick most of the week - so has the baby which has compounded the situation. Steve, being a few days ahead of us in the cold, has been taking great care of us.
Tonight, as I sat sniffing on our bed poking around ebay, he presented me with a beautiful little box!
Can you smell it?
An all cheese pizza from Hungry Howies. (aka the best pizza place ever)
YES the pizza was delicious....but it was nicer that he went out of his way to do it.
g'job baby!

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Buy me some peanuts and Crackerjacks

You, gentle readers, are getting a rare treat by getting a picture of me. Everyone knows how I feel about the camera, but I wanted to pay homage to Steve and my yearly picture at Victory Field. We got a lightening show and ended up ducking into the Ram with some friends to wait out the "horrible storm." ;) It was nice to be away from the baby for a few hours and get back to our roots. Like falling in love at a baseball game.

Saturday 7 June 2008

I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here

It's been a crazy week in the Fulton household. As many of you know we've been in the midst of our first ever basement flood.

I have heard people talk about having their basements flood but I have not ever had true empathy until now. Steve woke me up about 6:00 on Wednesday telling me that he needed my helping bailing out the sump pump. Our electricity had been out since 2 in the morning and the battery backup couldn't keep up with the gallons of water coming into the house. We got every available bucket, trashcan and towel in the house and commensed trying to save the basement. What we couldn't see (literally because it was still dark) was that the damage had been pretty much done. One generator, shop-vac, and helpful family members later we surveyed the damage. Every square inch of carpet in the basement was squising with water. The theater was the worst. I tried to go in and rescue one of the subwoofers but seeing as it weighed 2.5 hundred pounds I couldn't get it far.

Steve's brother came up and helped bail out with buckets and my father came and shop vac-ed for most of the day. I was really struck my how lucky we were to have so many amazing family members come to our aid!

It was truly depressing - even after the water sucker people came. They have drained the basement two times, put 15 fans in the basemet, 2 dehumidifiers, and pulled one cabnet totally off the wall. (so far.....there could be more) Steve and I were just beside ourselves devistated. This same basement I had been so happy to have during the Friday night Tornado scare, I was now cursing. I kept saying "I HATE NATURE!"

I know we are lucky - I do - so many had it far worse than we. It's just frustrating to see something you view as your greatest asset have something so horrible happen to it.


It had been an exhausting few days for us - especially Steve.

Thursday night we sneaked away to a hotel downtown. My MIL came to watch Madeline and we enjoyed some PF Changs, Cinnabon, shopping, and sleeping in! It's amazing how just being out of the 4 (soggy) walls of your own house can lighten your mood. It wasn't long before we were laughing and able to really relax. (Especially since we had a king size bed so big I could do a triple axle in my sleep and not even come close to Steve.)

We went to an Indians game last night with Ball State to top off our little holiday. Victory Field is quite special to us since we met there. It was rainy and humid and I couldn't have looked worse if I had been in solitary confinement for a week.....but Steve didn't see to mind. Between the lightening and the fireworks we had quite the show.

I feel so lucky to have someone who loves me enough to think of me, even when he is 100 times more stressed.

"Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be - the last of life- for which the first was made."