Monday 8 September 2008

Everybody knows everybody

When my husband first told me he lived in Pendleton, I said, "Where is THAT?" I can't say that I was in love at first sight with the house and the 5 acres. (Ok , maybe the house.....) Things like "tractors" and "composting" were not in my vocabulary. Passing combines on the road was not something I was particularly excited about.

I've never been that good with change. I like what I know and I see no reason to go about upsetting that balance. Moving from an apartment complex where I could hear (and smell) the neighbors' Chinese take out order, to moving to a street with 5 houses on it was one of the larger changes I've made in my life. I'm surprised at how quickly what was so far out of my comfort zone is now my status quo. As I walked to the garden tonight to pick some fresh tomatoes and peppers from my garden, I realized that I was walking the equivalent of some people's entire front and back yards. It was so quiet and Serene - no neighbors encroaching on me with their loud dogs and burnt barbecue. The few people who actually drive by our house on the street are all people we know by name. It's just the norm. I'm certainly not saying that this life is better than those in a suburb (I totally miss sidewalks) or that "country" life is for everyone, but I'm surprised that it's turned out to be for me.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Very sweet! Kenton would share your sentiments whole-heartedly. He loves the country and would move there in an instant. I have a feeling we will end up there in the future.